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Following the launch of the Faith in Action program model, a new form has been created that will allow reporting for most of the Supreme-recommended programs. This new form will replace 24 individual report forms, streamlining the number of forms council officers are expected to use. 



  • Submit one report form per program.

  • This new form is an optional addition for any reporting on Featured Programs, Free Throw Championship, Soccer Challenge, Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, or Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest, which each have their own report forms that are required to be submitted.

  • Save copies of all report forms to assist with the completion of the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) and the Columbian Award Application (#SP-7).

  • Use your Fraternal Leader Success Planner (#5033) to help document the number of programs, events, charitable hours, and distributions throughout the year.

  • When calculating service hours, remember that family members and volunteers assisting the Knights can be counted towards your totals.

  • Reporting should be done in whole numbers only – do not report fractions of hours or spare change. 

Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program

The first requirement of the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program is for our members to be compliant with diocesan safe environment requirements applicable to members’ volunteer activities in their parish. When members volunteer at an activity sponsored by a Knights of Columbus council in their parish* they not only volunteer for the Knights of Columbus, but they also serve as parish volunteers. Knights of Columbus asks no more and no less than for its members to be treated just like any other parish volunteers. Just like any other parish volunteers, members volunteering in their parish* must comply with all safe environment requirements applicable to parish volunteers in their diocese.


The "Council Donation Survey Report" should be submitted to the Manitoba State Office by participating councils annually after September 1. 

Do you know a woman or youth in trouble? Always good to be prepared to help!

Life Culture maintains a very helpful resource guide for women & children in crisis in Manitoba.. 

  • Pregnancy; Woman's Shelter; Housing; Clothing; Food; Depression; Grants; etc.

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How To Do A Successful Charity Drive...

If you want to organize a community event, such as a fundraiser or charity run, to raise money for a cause that helps those in need, this useful guide will give to a great start to make this happen!  

Websites of the Archdioceses of Manitoba

Click on the Archdiocese logo you want to reach.

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Do you have a Health Care Directive & Health Care Proxy form(s) filled out for you and your spouse?

Learn the importance of these two forms. Begin to fill them out for the benefit of you and your loved ones. Learn how to host a workshop for your council or your parish community. 


The video, "Introduction to Health Care Directives" is a one-hour audio-visual program with presentation materials.To request a recorded presentation for your Council or Parish audience, please contact the Manitoba State Office.


This presentation can be emailed and run off a computer in front of your audience! 

If required, we will provide assistance with set-up and presentation.


Tri-Diocesan NWLF Website

Did you know that the three Archdioceses of Winnipeg, St. Boniface, and the Ukrainian Archeparchy share a website on issues and events for the Culture of Life and Family? The domain name is


Knights of Columbus -  Supreme Offices

Click on the logo...

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The Catholic Foundation of Manitoba

The Catholic Foundation of Manitoba helps those who believe in Catholic values to fulfill their vocation to serve the Church and Society.  We support organizations that care for the needy, better the situation of the underprivileged, educate the young, and other charitable works in the Catholic tradition across the province. The domain name is

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Prayer for a Deceased Brother Knight (English-Francais)

Do you know a Brother Knight who has passed away recently or even years ago?

The "Father Michael J. McGivney Guild"


Join the Guild

The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild promotes the cause for sainthood of the founder of the Knights of Columbus, who was beatified on Oct. 31, 2020. Members of the Guild, and anyone devoted to Father McGivney, can play an active role in the cause by praying for his intercession in times of need, especially in cases of serious illness, and reporting to the Guild any favors received. 

Membership in the Guild is free and open to anyone who is devoted to Father McGivney and wishes to invoke his intercession and assist in his sainthood cause through prayer. Members receive a quarterly newsletter and are remembered in a weekly Mass offered for their intentions.

Catholic men who wish to live out the vision and mission of Father McGivney are invited to join the Knights of Columbus and become part of a network of charity, unity and fraternity that serves local parishes and communities. 

Father McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882 in New Haven, Conn., and died at the age of 38 in 1890. His cause for sainthood was opened in 1997, and his heroic virtue was recognized by the Vatican in March 2008, when he was declared a Venerable Servant of God by Pope Benedict XVI.

Catholic Health Foundation of Manitoba

The Catholic Health Association of Manitoba (CHAM) is a voluntary, provincial association dedicated to the healing ministry of the church. Affiliated with the Bishops of Manitoba and the Diocese of Churchill-Hudson Bay, Northwest Territories, CHAM serves as a link between Catholic Health care facilities, agencies, parishes and individuals. CHAM serves as a provincial resource for its members and all those interested in its mission.

The domain name is:


Contact Information

For Insurance Inquiries:

Please call General Agent Cleo Castillo

Phone: 431-815-5003    eMail:

For Housing Inquiries:

Contact the local Building Manager or Manitoba Housing.

PhonE: 204-945-4663 or 1-800-661-4663


For Fraternal Operations: 
Manitoba State Office

Office Hours

Between  July 15th and  August 19th , Manitoba  State Office will be open by appointment only, please call the State Secretary Mark Desjardins at 204-782-4338 to make arrangements.


Our Mailing/ Office Address

Knights of Columbus

Manitoba State Council
L01-1311 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0V3

PhonE: 204-663-8022   eMail:

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