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Our Work

Life Program Suggestions

The following are suggestions that your council might consider in the "Life Program".



For every $500 your council or assembly donates to a pregnancy resource center or maternity home (up to $2,000), the Supreme Council will donate $100.

Brothers, what would women do if there was little or no support to help them through a crisis pregnancy? Who would support their choice to save their baby? Please consider an ongoing program in your parish to promote and accept donations for charities that support women in crisis. Currently Supreme Council's approved charities in Manitoba are::

  • The Crisis Pregnancy Centre, a division of the Family Support Centre on Broadway in Winnipeg;

  • Pregnancy Support Centre of Westman, Brandon;

  • Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre - Winkler;

  • Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre - Morden;

  • Prairie Pregnancy Support Centre - Portage la Prairie;

  • Life Culture Canada.

  • Villa Rosa.




Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life by participating in this meaningful pilgrimage. The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honouring Our Lady.

Manitoba dates are February 24, 2024 – March 23, 2024.


Contact Claude Lagace at to reserve the Silver Rose for your parish.


Apologetics - The CCBR Study Series


2019 marked 50 years since abortion became legal in Canada. Today, abortion is legal until the moment of birth and is widely accepted to be woman’s private decision between her and her doctor.


While many Christians understand the grave injustice that abortion is, they do not feel prepared to defend their position in today’s hostile culture. CCBR has created this program to aid pro-life Christians by providing them with an accurate historic, scientific, and Biblical understanding of abortion.


This series is designed to run over five weeks, meeting once a week. Sessions begin with a 30 min educational video by one of CCBR’s speakers and continue with small group discussions guided by provided facilitator and participant guides.


Topics covered:

  1. Abortion in Canada & Why Christians Must Act

  2. Can Our Culture Actually Change?

  3. Pro-Life 101: Communicating the Pro-Life Position

  4. Pro-Life 201: Communicating the Pro-Life Position

  5. Loving Your Pre-Born Neighbours


This series will prepare your church or community to tackle the challenging topic of abortion and empower them to get their boots on the ground in defence of the pre-born. Click here for more information on hosting this series in your community!

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Workshop: Health Care Directives & Health Care Proxies

Learn the importance of these two forms. Begin to fill them out for the benefit of you and your loved ones. Learn how to host a workshop for your council or your parish community. 


The video, "Introduction to Health Care Directives" is a one-hour audio-visual program with presentation materials.To request a recorded presentation for your Council or Parish audience, please contact the Manitoba State Office.


This presentation can be emailed and run off a computer in front of your audience! 

If required, we will provide assistance with set-up and presentation.


Pro-Life Movie Nights

You may want to consider showing a pro-life movie that would educate and inspire the young and the old.



Special Olympics

Celebrate the worth and dignity of every human being through the Special Olympics. Manitoba
Knights of Columbus councils can work with Special Olympics seven MB regions to determine how
best to fund, sponsor or volunteer for events in the local community.
The Knights of Columbus has a unique partnership with the Special Olympics and has helped
disabled athletes train for and compete in games around the world. Knights of Columbus
councils have assisted with all aspects of the program from fundraising to feeding the athletes,
organizing and judging events, and providing equipment and awards. 

Ron Struch, Special Olympics Chairman

Contact Bro. Ron at 204-339-7688


Evening of Prayer for Life

Whether this be an evening of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or a request for the intercession of Our Lady of Gaudalupe (eg. the Silver Rose program) or a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for Respect For Life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Contact Information

For Insurance Inquiries:

Please call General Agent Cleo Castillo

Phone: 431-815-5003    eMail:

For Housing Inquiries:

Contact the local Building Manager or Manitoba Housing.

PhonE: 204-945-4663 or 1-800-661-4663


For Fraternal Operations: 
Manitoba State Office

Office Hours

Between  July 15th and  August 19th , Manitoba  State Office will be open by appointment only, please call the State Secretary Mark Desjardins at 204-782-4338 to make arrangements.


Our Mailing/ Office Address

Knights of Columbus

Manitoba State Council
L01-1311 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0V3

PhonE: 204-663-8022   eMail:

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