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"Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community."

Life Programs

Respecting Life from conception to natural death, including offering programs to support pro-life education within our communities and ministries to the vulnerable in our society.

This could be aid and support for pregnancy support centres and their clients (eg ASAP); Special Olympics; the Ultrasound Program; Refugee Relief; prayer evenings, apologetics, etc..

Faith Programs

Our goal is to strengthen men and their families in the Catholic faith. Formation in our faith goes beyond mere facts or religious practice to an authentic connection with a loving God and his son Jesus Christ.

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Family Programs

Programs such as building the Domestic Church within your families; food banks; Into the Breach; Family Full Alive; family prayer nights; Keep Christ in Christmas, etc..

Community Programs

Programs such as the Global Wheelchair Mission; Coats for Kids; Free Throw Championship; Hockey Challenge; Soccer Challenge; Helping Hands; Habitat for Humanity, etc.

Patriotic (4th Degree)

The underlying principle of the 4th degree is patriotism. Patriotism is about duty and honour to God and Country. And some members represent their Assembly by wearing their 4th Degree Uniform at Civic and Church events acting as Honour Guards and standing in respect for a fallen member.

If you are a member of the 3rd Degree, and you are looking for a different way to serve God & Country you should consider becoming a member of the 4th Degree.

Contact Information

For Insurance Inquiries:

Please call General Agent Cleo Castillo

Phone: 431-815-5003    eMail:

For Housing Inquiries:

Contact the local Building Manager or Manitoba Housing.

PhonE: 204-945-4663 or 1-800-661-4663


For Fraternal Operations: 
Manitoba State Office

Office Hours

Between  July 15th and  August 19th , Manitoba  State Office will be open by appointment only, please call the State Secretary Mark Desjardins at 204-782-4338 to make arrangements.


Our Mailing/ Office Address

Knights of Columbus

Manitoba State Council
L01-1311 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0V3

PhonE: 204-663-8022   eMail:

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